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- Lee CF, Fong DY, Cheung KM, Cheng JC, Ng BK, Lam TP, Mak KH, Yip PS, Luk KD. Costs of school scoliosis screening: a large, population-based study. Spine. 2010;35:2266-2272.
- Luk KD, Lee CF, Cheung KM, Cheng JC, Ng BK, Lam TP, Mak KH, Yip PS, Fong DY. Clinical effectiveness of school screening for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a large population-based retrospective cohort study. Spine. 2010;35:1607-1614.
- Fong DY, Lee CF, Cheung KM, Cheng JC, Ng BK, Lam TP, Mak KH, Yip PS, Luk KD. A meta-analysis of the clinical effectiveness of school scoliosis screening. Spine. 2010;35:1061-1071.
Mannem A, Cheung PWH, Kawasaki S, Shigematsu H, Cheung JPY. What determines immediate postoperative coronal balance and delayed global coronal balance after anterior spinal fusion for Lenke 5C curves ?. Eur Spine J. 2021 ;30(7) :2007-2019. Doi : 10.1007/s00586-021-06807-2.
Ohrt-Nissen S, Shigematsu H, Cheung JPY, Luk KDK, Samartzis D. Predictability of coronal curve flexibility in postoperative curve correction in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : the effect of the sagittal profile. Global Spine J. 2020 ; 10(3) :303-311. Doi : 10.1177/2192568219877862.
Ohrt-Nissen S, Luk KDK, Samartzis D, Cheung JPY. Selection of the lowest instrumented vertebra in main thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : Is it safe to fuse shorter than the last touched vertebra ?. Eur Spine J. 2020 ;29(8) :2018-2024. Doi : 10.1007/s00586-020-06398-4.
Ohrt-Nissen S, Kamath V, Samartzis D, Luk KDK, Cheung JPY. Fulcrum flexibility of the main curve predicts postoperative shoulder imbalance in selective thoracic fusion of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. European Spine Journal. 2018 ;27(9) :2251-2261. doi : 10.1007/s00586-018-5669-y.
Cheung JPY, Yiu KKL, Vidyadhara S, Chan PPY, Cheung PWH, Mak KC. Predictability of supine radiographs for determining in-brace correction for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine. 2018 ;43(14) :971-976. doi : 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002503.
Shigematsu H, Cheung JPY, Bruzzone M, Matsumori, H, Mak KC, Samartzis D, Luk KDK. Preventing fusion mass shift avoids postoperative distal curve adding-on in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2017 ;475(5) :1448-1460.
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- Samartzis D, Leung Y, Shigematsu H, Natarajan D, Stokes O, Mak KC, Yao G, Luk KD, Cheung KM. Selection of Fusion Levels Using the Fulcrum Bending Radiograph for the Management of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients with Alternate Level Pedicle Screw Strategy: Clinical Decision-making and Outcomes. PLoS One 2015;10:e0120302.
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- Cheung PWH, Cheung JPY. Does the Use of Sanders Staging and Distal Radius and Ulna Classification Avoid Mismatches in Growth Assessment with Risser Staging Alone ?. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2021. 26 ;479(11) :2516-30. Doi : 10.1097/CORR.0000000000001817.
- Cheung PWH, Canavese F, Luk KDK, Cheung JPY. An insight of how multiple skeletal maturity indices can be used for growth assessment : relationship between the simplified olecranon, simplified digital, and distal radius and ulna classifications. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2021 ;30(4) :371-380. doi : 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000760.
- Cheung PWH, Cheung JPY. Sanders stage 7b : Using the appearance of the ulnar physis improves decision-making for brace weaning in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Bone Joint J. 2021 ;103-B(1) : 141-147. Doi : 10.1302/0301-620X.103B1.BJJ-2020-1240.R1.
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- Yamamoto Y, Shigematsu H, Cheung PWH, Okuda A, Kawasaki S, Tanaka Y, Cheung JPY. How do we follow-up patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis ? Recommendations based on a multicenter study on the distal radius and ulna classification. Eur Spine J. 2020 ;29(8) :2064-2074. Doi : 10.1007/s00586-020-06441-4.
- Cheung PWH, Mannem A, Cheung JPY. Prediction of Final Body Height for Female Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Global Spine J. 2021 ;11(6) :833-844. doi : 10.1177/2192568220941450.
- Cheung JPY, Cheung PWH. Supine flexibility predicts curve progression for patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis undergoing underarm bracing. Bone and Joint Journal. 2020 ;102-B(2) :254-260. Doi : 10.1302/0301-620X.102B2.BJJ-2019-0916.R1.
- Cheung JPY, Cheung PWH, Yeng WC, Chan LCK. Does curve regression occur during underarm bracing in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis ? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2020 ;478(2) :334-345. doi : 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000989.
- Cheung JPY, Cheung PWH, Samartzis D, Luk KDK. APSS-ASJ Best Clinical Award : Predicting curve progression at skeletal maturity in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis using the distal radius and ulna classification. Asian Spine Journal. 2018 ;12(2) :202-213. doi : 10.4184/asj.2018.12.2.202.
- Cheung JPY, Cheung PWH, Luk KD. When should we wean bracing for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis ? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2019 ;477(9) :2145-2157. doi : 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000781.
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- Cheung JPY, Cheung PW, Samartzis D, Luk KD. Curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis does not match skeletal growth. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2018 ;476(2) : 429-436. Doi : 10.1007/s11999.0000000000000027.
- Cheung JPY, Luk KD. Managing the pediatric spine : growth assessment. Asian Spine J. 2017 ;11(5) :804-816. doi : 10.4184/asj.2017.11.5.804.
- Cheung JPY, Cheung PW, Samartzis D, Cheung KM, Luk KD. The use of the distal radius and ulna classification for the prediction of growth : peak growth spurt and growth cessation. Bone Joint J. 2016 ;98-B(12) :1689-1696.
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Cheung JPY, Sze KY, Cheung KMC, Zhang T. The first magnetically controlled growing rod (MCGR) in the world – lessons learned and how the identified complications helped to develop the implant in the past decade : case report. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 ;22 :319. Doi : 10.1186/s12891-021-04181-0.
Zhang T, Sze KY, Peng ZW, Cheung KMC, Lui YF, Wong YW, Kwan KYH, Cheung JPY. Systematic investigation of metallosis associated with magnetically controlled growing rod implantation for early-onset scoliosis. Bone Joint J. 2020 ;102-B(10) :1375-1383. Doi : 10.1302/0301-620X.102B10.BJJ-2020-0842.R1.
Obid P, Yiu K, Cheung K, Kwan K, Ruf M, Cheung JPY. Magnetically controlled growing rods in early onset scoliosis : radiological results, outcome, and complications in a series of 22 patients. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021 ;141(7) :1163-1174. doi : 10.1007/s00402-020-03518-z.
Cheung JPY, Cheung PWH, Cheung KMC. The effect of magnetically controlled growing rods on three-dimensional changes in deformity correction. Spine Deformity. 2020 ;8(3) :537-546. doi :10.1007/s43390-020-00055-y
Cheung JPY, Zhang T, Bow C, Kwan K, Sze KY, Cheung KMC. The crooked rod sign : a new radiological sign to detect deformed threads in the distraction mechanism of magnetically controlled growing rods and a mode of distraction failure. Spine. 2020 ;45(6) :E346-E351. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000003268.
Wu AM, Cheung JPY, Cheung KMC, Lin JL, Jin HM, Chen D, Wang XY, Zhao J, Kwan KYH. Minimum 2-year experience with magnetically controlled growing rods for the treatment of early-onset scoliosis : a systematic review. Asian Spine J. 2019 ;13(4) :682-693. Doi : 10.31616/asj.2018.0272.
Cheung JPY, Cheung KMC. Current status of the magnetically controlled growing rod in treatment of early-onset scoliosis : What we know after a decade of experience. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2019 ;27(3).
Cheung JPY, Yiu K, Kwan K, Cheung KMC. Mean 6-year follow-up of magnetically controlled growing rod patients with early onset scoliosis : A glimpse of what happens to graduates. Neurosurgery. 2019 ;84(5) : 1112-1123. doi : 10.1093/neuros/nyy270.
Obid P, Yiu K, Cheung KMC, Kwan K, Ruf M, Cheung JPY, Reliability of rod lengthening, thoracic and spino-pelvic measurements on biplanar stereoradiography in patients treated with magnetically controlled growing rods. Spine. 2018 ; 43(22) :1579-1585. doi : 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002671.
Cheung JPY, Yiu KKL, Samartzis D, Kwan K, Tan BB, Cheung KM. Rod lengthening with the magnetically controlled growing rod : factors influencing rod slippage and reduced gains during distractions. Spine. 2018 ;43(7) :E399-E405. doi :10.1097/BRS.0000000000002358.
Kwan KYH, Alanay A, Yazici M, Demirkiran G, Helenius I, Nnadi C, Ferguson J, Akbarnia BA, Cheung JPY, Cheung KMC. Unplanned reoperations in magnetically controlled growing rod surgery for early onset scoliosis with a minimum of two-year follow-up. Spine. 2017;42(24):E1410-E1414. doi :10.1097/BRS.0000000000002297.
Kwan KYH, Cheung JPY, Yiu KKL, Cheung KMC. Ten year follow-up of Jarcho-Levin Syndrome with thoracic insufficiency treated by VEPTR and MCGR VEPTR hybrid. Eur Spine J. 2018 ;27(Suppl 3) :287-291. doi :10.1007/s00586-017-5164-x.
Wong CKH, Cheung JPY, Cheung PWH, Lam CLK, Cheung KMC. Traditional growing rod versus magnetically controlled growing rod for treatment of early onset scoliosis : cost analysis from implantation till skeletal maturity. J Orthop Surg. 2017 ;25(2) :2309499017705022. doi :10.1177/2309499017705022.
Cheung JPY, Yiu KK, Bow C, Cheung PW, Samartzis D, Cheung KM. Learning curve in monitoring magnetically controlled growing rod distractions with ultrasound. Spine. 2017 ;42(17) :1289-1294. doi :10.1097/BRS.0000000000002114.
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- Cheung JP, Bow C, Samartzis D, Ganal-Antonio AK, Cheung KM. Clinical utility of ultrasound to prospectively monitor distraction of magnetically controlled growing rods The Spine Journal. 2015
- Stokes OM, O'Donovan EJ, Samartzis D, Bow CH, Luk KD, Cheung KM. Reducing radiation exposure in early-onset scoliosis surgery patients: novel use of ultrasonography to measure lengthening in magnetically-controlled growing rods. The Spine Journal. 2014;14(10):2397-2404.
- Cheung JP, Samartzis D, Cheung KM. A novel approach to gradual correction of severe spinal deformity in a pediatric patient using the magnetically-controlled growing rod. The Spine Journal. 2014;14(7):e7-13.
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- Cheung KM, Cheung JP, Samartzis D, Mak KC, Wong YW, Cheung WY, Akbarnia BA, Luk KD. Magnetically controlled growing rods for severe spinal curvature in young children: a prospective case series. Lancet. 2012;379(9830):1967-1974.