Rosanna: “My Story”

In the spring of 1993 when the weather became warm, my mother found a hump over my back when I started wearing loose clothing. Worried that I was suffering from some disease, we saw a family doctor who referred me to the Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital for treatment. I was just thirteen years old at the time but I still remember because the hospital was far away from home and I will never forget the warm and kind medical staff …

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Amy Lao: “My Story”

As I remembered, it’s around the year 1998, my parents found my uneven shoulder and back, so they brought me to the public health centre in Macau to find out what’s happening. And from the X-Ray screening, I was diagnosed with Scoliosis. At that time, it was just at the beginning stage …

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青少年原發性脊柱側彎 (Chinese only)

脊柱側彎症是指脊骨有不正常的彎曲,而最常見的病例是發生在10至18歲之間,被稱為青少年原發性脊柱側彎。女性的發病率較高,是男性發病率的1.5至11倍。所謂「原發性」是由於病因仍然未明,研究的重點多集中於遺傳因素,高達30%的病人有脊柱側彎的家族病史,而其他原因包括荷爾蒙失調、不對稱的生長 …

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